For colleges, universities, trade schools and some businesses, it is more efficient to provide GD&T courses in-house. For those times, Tec-Ease offers PowerPointâ„¢ Slide packages and complete instructor kits.

PowerPoint Slides
These are the same slides that the Tec-Ease trainers use. Over 300 screens with animated exercises. Though you are unable to edit the Tec-Ease slides, you are welcome to add and remove slides, customizing the training to your needs. PowerPoint slides are available for:

Print Reading
Fundamentals of GD&T (1994, 2009 & 2018)
Applications of GD&T
Y14.5-2018 Update
GD&T Hierarchy Pocket Guide (Fundamentals Overview Course)

Complete Instructor Kits
These instructor kits include PowerPoint slides, course materials and basic model set. Kits are available for:
ASME 14.5M-1994
ASME 14.5-2009
ASME 14.5-2018